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cathedral interior

 "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

St Mary’s Cathedral Hobart has been a spiritual abode to many generations over 130 years.  Our forefathers of faith have contributed with blood, sweat and tears to the construction of this spiritual edifice.  As one of the oldest Cathedrals in Australia, it stands as a testimony to the profound faith in the Lord and His beloved mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Thousands of children of God have been baptised and welcomed into God’s family at St Mary’s Cathedral.  Many have come before the Lord with their joys and sorrows and struggles in life seeking consolation, peace and serenity.  Each day, people gather around the altar of the Lord at this Cathedral to catch a glimpse of the divine through the Eucharistic meal.  They are nourished and received grace after grace through the Sacramental life of the Church.  Over the years scores of young men and women have given their life to God fully through Holy Orders and religious life. 

On a regular basis, all students of the five Catholic colleges and schools of the parish quench their thirst in the wellsprings of grace that the Lord offers them through this outstanding spiritual monument.  With such spiritual heritage I, Fr Leonard Caldera, as the Administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral,  extend a warm welcome to all who wish to visit and worship. 

                                                                    Fr Leonard Caldera



Most Rev Archbishop Julian C. Porteous DD

Julian Charles Porteous was born on June 5, 1949, Sydney and baptised in Rose Bay Parish. He is the eldest of five children, having two brothers and two sisters.

Archbishop Porteous has family links to Tasmania. His forebears arrived in Tasmanian from England in 1853. His great grandfather and great grandmother were both born in Hobart, within one kilometre of St Mary’s Cathedral.  His grandfather was named Manful Charles Hobart Granger.    Archbishop Porteous completed his primary education in Melbourne, Singapore and Parramatta before he undertook secondary schooling with the De La Salle Brothers at Oakhill College, Castle Hill.

Archbishop Porteous entered St Columba’s Seminary, Springwood, in 1968, then continued studies for the priesthood at St Patrick’s College, Manly, from 1971.  He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Sydney on September 7, 1974.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10


Our bookstall  in the Cathedral Centre is open Monday-Friday 9am-3pm as well as after Sunday 10.30am Mass.  

We are happy to supply sought after items such as baptism cards, Confirmation and First Communion cards as well as sympathy and Ordination cards.

The bookstall also stocks current contemporary writing, missals, bibles, calendars, sacramental gifts and many assorted statues, medals etc.

The small proceeds from our bookstall go towards the upkeep of the Cathedral Centre.

The experience of most Catholics is that they were baptised into the Catholic Church as babies. However, there are people who may be drawn to the Catholic Church at other stages of their lives. The Catholic Church welcomes all who come seeking answers to their questions, spoken and unspoken.   Are you thinking of becoming Catholic? Would you like to know more about the Catholic Faith?  


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