Infant Baptism
Baptism is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being Eucharist and Confirmation. Baptism of an infant begins the faith journey of the child within the Christian community. This faith is nourished by parents, relatives, friends and the community into which the child has been baptised. It is an important choice parents make to ensure the child will both know and experience what it is to belong to a faith community. This is why baptism will normally be celebrated in your local parish as it is in the community in which you are involved that your child will grow and feel secure. The community assists you in developing your child in the ways of faith and we take this faith way of acting and believing into our daily living.
In the Archdiocese of Hobart it is the usual practice for children to be baptised in their parish of residence. Arrangements for the baptism of infants is made through the Cathedral Office. Preparation of the parents is required at a special session prior to the Baptism.
A Certificate of Baptism is provided for the parents after the Baptism celebration.

Baptism or Reception into the Catholic Church
for Older Children and Adults
Adults and adolescents who have never been baptised or have been baptised in another Christian tradition may desire to be initiated or received into the Catholic Church. The length of time for their preparation will vary according to their personal history, and in particular, their involvement and practice in other traditions. Those who have been baptised previously are usually prepared to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, which can take place at any time of the Church’s Year. Those who have never been baptised are normally initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil following a process known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Read more about RCIA here.