Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of initiation because, historically, it was administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Confirmation perfects our baptism and brings us the graces of the Holy Spirit that were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.

Confirmation is the second Sacrament of Initiation. Confirmation completes what took place at Baptism. The child (or adult) is now confirmed in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The sacrament is normally administered by the Bishop.
Sacraments of Initiation for School-Aged Children
This program happens in line with school terms and will be initiated via your school.
For those not in a Parish School (St Mary's College, St Virgil's or Guilford Young), please contact us.
According to the policy of the Archdiocese of Hobart, candidates for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist need to be baptised members of the Catholic Church, and to have celebrated first Reconciliation. For this reason, most candidates enrol for Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist as an integrated total program.
To find out more about the next preparation program and to enrol, please contact us.
Term 1
Baptism & First Reconciliation
Children over the age of 7 years who aren't baptised, will need to take part in a period of preparation. These preparation sessions for Baptism will run concurrently with those which prepare for Reconciliation.
The Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) involves five preparation sessions over five weeks – one session per week​.
Term 2
Involves five preparation sessions over five weeks
Term 3
First Holy Communion (Eucharist)
Involves five preparation sessions over five weeks