Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage, a lifelong union between a man and a woman for procreation and mutual support, is a natural institution, but it is also one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It reflects the union of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Marriage is a basic way of giving and growing in love and together attaining salvation. The marriage covenant, through which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love, is ordered to the good of the couple as well as to the generation and education of children.
The Church regards the sacrament of matrimony as signifying the union of Christ and the Church. The sacrament gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love which Christ has loved the Church. The sacrament of matrimony perfects the human love of spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.
If you are interested in holding your wedding at St Mary's Cathedral or Sacred Heart Church, please contact us for more information.